  •  Promote and protect the rights and responsibilities of riparian land owners
  • Preserve the clean and pure water of our lakes and connecting streams
  • Monitor and protect the watershed's unique environment
  • Advocate for riparians before governmental bodies 
  • Monitor and support the maintenance, preservation and operation of the Elk Rapids dam
  • Promote safe and respectful water-related recreation
About Us

The Elk-Skegemog Lakes Association (ESLA) was formed in 1950 and represents 1,500 waterfront homeowners on Elk and Skegemog Lakes and Torch, Elk and Rapid Rivers. These riparians have worked together as volunteers for decades to promote responsible stewardship of the resources we share. Our work extends beyond our members to schools, businesses, townships and other agencies. And, extends beyond people to the fish and other wildlife that inhabit our watershed.

Recent accomplishments include:

  • Making our watershed more enjoyable for members, local residents and visitors by installing fish shelters, designating new ”no wake” zones and maintaining navigational aids.
  • Continually tracking water quality, identifying and correcting sources of pollution, monitoring and treating invasive aquatic species and studying the sediment accumulation in the Rapid and Torch Rivers.
  • Helping younger generations learn about and appreciate our watershed through a high school internship program, involving science classes in project such as building and placing Loon platforms and sponsoring youth boating certification classes.
  • Maintaining the watershed's beauty and quality for all by reviewing permit requests for land development and working with townships on shoreline protection and management of stormwater projects.
  • Conducting communication and education activities with riparians through newsletters and events.
Other Partnerships
  •  Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
  • Grand Traverse Bay Watershed Center
  • Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy
  • Michigan Loon Preservation Association
  • Conservation Resource Alliance
  • Michigan Lakes and Stream Association
  • Skegemog Wildlife Area
  • Friends of Rapid River
  • Three Lakes Association
  • Torch Lake Protection Alliance
  • Torch Lake Conservation Center
  • County Conservation Districts
  • County, Township and Village Governments
  • Michigan State Agencies – MDEQ, MDNR